Comanche Foothills Neighborhood Association

The Comanche Foothills Neighborhood Association represents our neighbors located in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the foot of the Sandia mountains. Our Neighborhood Association is bounded by Tramway to the West, Candelaria to the South, the City of Albuquerque Open Space to the East, and on the North by the Glenwood Hills Arroyo in a straight line from Tramway and East to the City of Albuquerque Open Space. There is a map of our boundaries on the Contact Us page.

We had a great time at the Summer Car Show event on May 5th. CLICK HERE TO SEE PHOTOS FROM THE SUMMER CAR SHOW EVENT.

Our goals are to: 

  • Organize neighborhood activities
  • Bring neighbors together and create a greater sense of community
  • Work with the City of Albuquerque to advocate for our neighbors.

If you would like to pay voluntary dues
($20 suggested, any amount appreciated)
you can pay them securely online via PayPal.

Membership Information

Membership in the Comanche Foothills Neighborhood Association is free to homeowners, renters, property owners, and business owners within our neighborhood association boundaries. Only neighborhood association members can vote on neighborhood related issues at our Neighborhood Association meetings. To become a member the city of Albuquerque requires you to complete our online Membership Form.

Membership Dues are optional. While this organization is run entirely by volunteers,  we do have operational expenses that help keep the neighborhood association functioning, such as our website, mailers, and neighborhood signage, just to name a few.

Our annual Easter Egg hunt is always well attended with hundreds of children participating each year, and we have an ice cream social event in the summer coupled with National Night Out. All these events cost money and are supported by the voluntary dues we collect from our neighbors.

Olga Melancon