Comanche Foothills Neighborhood Association

2024 Membership Form

Membership in the Comanche Foothills Neighborhood Association is free to homeowners, renters, property owners, and business owners within our neighborhood association boundaries. Only neighborhood association members can vote on neighborhood-related issues at our Neighborhood Association meetings. To become a member, you must complete the Membership Affirmation Form below.

OR…you can also CLICK THIS LINK to download a 2024 Membership Form and mail or drop it off to us at:

Comanche Foothills NA, 3109 Camino de la Sierra NE, Albuquerque, NM 871111

Dues are optional (payment button located at the bottom of this page) and help us to pay for events and operational needs.

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Would you like to be added to our email list? It is the most effective and least expensive way for us to keep our neighbors updated (usually monthly) about upcoming meetings and other neighborhood related issues / announcements.
Member Dues are optional, but they are vital to maintaining the neighborhood and holding events such as our Easter Egg Hunt and Ice Cream Social! $20 per household per year is suggested. Donate now at https://PayPal.Me/comanchefoothills, OR click the Blue PayPal Button near the bottom of this page, OR mail a check to Comanche Foothills NA, P.O. Box 13661 Albuquerque, NM 87192-3661.
We would really appreciate if you could donate just a few hours of your time and volunteer to help us this year. If you would like more information, let us know which areas interest you. (check all that apply)
By completing this electronic form I am AFFIRMING that I am 18 year old or older and that I rent, live or own property, or that I own a business within the boundaries of the Comanche Foothills Neighborhood Association, and that I wish to become a 2024 member of the Comanche Foothills Neighborhood Association. Please note that membership and voting rights are guaranteed to any affirmed member without payment of dues being required, as per Section 14-8-2-3 (B) (4) of the City of Albuquerque Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance (NARO). Membership includes receipt of City developer and project information, notice of neighborhood meetings including the required Annual Meeting, and other pertinent information to the neighborhood. Thank you for your support.

If you would like to pay voluntary dues
($20 suggested, any amount appreciated)
you can pay them securely online via PayPal.

OR…mail / drop off a check to:

Comanche Foothills NA
3109 Camino de la Sierra N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87111

OR…email and we will make arrangements to meet you to receive your payment.