Upcoming Events

In addition to our annual Easter Egg Hunt, Car Show, Neighborhood Park Clean Up, Neighborhood Association Meeting and other events we are planning for next year, we are considering adding 1 or 2 new events (shown below) for the remaining months this year. We appreciate any feedback from our neighbors about the value they believe these events may provide. Please email us with your thoughts about our holding the two events shown below, and please email us anytime at info@ComancheFoothills.org with your comments or suggestions.

National Night Out Ice Cream Social

Date: Tuesday, August 6th 

Time: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Where: The Casa Grande Linear Park Grassy Area just south of Comanche

National Night Out seeks to enhance the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while building a sense of community. Join us for an evening of fun while getting to know various leaders in our community as well as local law enforcement.

Ice cream, drinks and games will be provided. Consider bringing a picnic dinner!

Comanche Foothills NA Annual Meeting

Date: Thursday, September 19th 

Time:  6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Where: Holiday Park Community Center, 11710 Comanche Rd NE

This is the association’s annual meeting and your chance to share any ideas or concerns you have regarding our neighborhood.

Snacks and drinks will be provided.

Company’s Comin’ Fall Cleanup

Date: TBD 

Time:  9:30 am to 11:30 am

Where: The Casa Grande Linear Park Playground on the north side of Comanche

Let’s prepare for Balloon Fiesta visitors and clean the Linear Park!  We will meet at the Comanche Playground  and make our way south picking up trash along the way.

Bags, gloves, and water will be provided.

Possible Neighborhood Walk Program

In October we made a big dent in cleaning up the north end of the linear park, however there is still room for improvement when it comes to things like getting broken fences repaired and missing park signage replaced. There are also neighborhood signage and landscaping improvement opportunities, all things we could identify and discuss during a walk through our neighborhood with the City utilizing their Neighborhood Walks Program.

We may not be able to organize it for this year but it would be something to consider in the future. Signage and landscape changes would need to go through the City’s neighborhood signage program, but we may be able to get some assistance in identifying other opportunities for change and how to move through the process, including which departments to work with.

When: Date and Time are TBD
Where: Various locations throughout our neighborhood
What: We will focus on identifying opportunities to improve the walkability, access and beauty of our neighborhood.